Thursday, July 17, 2014

Believe, Part 1 – Episode Review

This episode has really changed my opinion of Zoe. It’s sad that it took something this terrible to make her into a more relatable person. I appreciate how the show has managed to make us feel sympathy and support for her, though, without denying her faults or the complexity of the situation she’s in. So let’s review the transformation of Zoe from beeotch to bestie:

In the beginning of season 13, I think it’s safe to say we all hated her. Remember Paris? Miles broke Tristan’s heart, Tristan become a missing person, and Zoe made Maya beg on her knees for Miles to help find Tristan. Or remember when Zoe e-bullied Maya with fake pictures of Maya in lingerie? Then, after the assault, a lot of people probably started to feel sympathy for Zoe. I’ll admit I was outraged by what happened to her, but I was also mad at Zoe for taking Maya’s moral support for granted. It was pretty hypocritical for her to expect support when the e-bullying tables had turned.

But now, it’s different. I’m not sure if Zoe has said  “thank you, this means a lot to me” to the friends who are supporting her through the trial (and maybe she has), but it doesn’t matter. You can see her relying on her friends. She sort of even admits that she needs them in her life. Point in case: when she talks to Tristan about how she doesn’t know what to do and how she needs to rebuild her image. Or when she seems truly hurt that Frankie would seemingly abandon her. Old Zoe wouldn’t even think of asking her friends for advice, or revealing any hint of self-doubt and confusion. Old Zoe would have expected Frankie to sweet talk and dote on her, but then would have said something mean and found a new bestie when Frankie refused. But this Zoe, well, she finally seems to have realized that she’s not an island. Not even Zoe Rivas can maintain her poker face through this one.

There’s a very real possibility that the world won’t grant Zoe her every wish, (whether, in this situation, they should or not), and that’s a relatively new experience for her. It seems like Zoe is used to her mom fighting her battles for her. Like when Zoe’s mom tried to demand that Drew go to jail for statutory rape or when she did damage control after Zoe turned down a role. I get the impression that, in the past, Zoe was able to rely on her fierce momma plus her own fame and backhanded nature to get her way. But now, she’s learning that those very same things can backfire on her. The selfishness (like when she trash talked Maya and then tried kissing her boyfriend at the party – drunk or not, that’s mean) is only going to hurt her reputation, the famous factor is turning into more of an infamous factor, and the fierce momma might even be doing more harm than good. After all, Mrs. Rivas’ accusations against Drew probably gave the prosecutor more reason to paint Zoe as the girl who cries wolf. So, I can finally relate to Zoe as a human being rather than a stock Hollywood mean girl. She’s broken and frightened but trying to keep a brave face, and she is in no way invincible.

I’m assuming pretty much everyone is whole-heartedly rooting for Zoe now. If only this court case weren’t so complicated! I’m actually guessing Luke is going to come out and say he was drunk too. I mean, Zoe’s whole defense is, “Yeah, I was hitting on guys and saying I wanted to hook up with them, but I was really drunk.” So Luke might say, “I was also drunk – too drunk to notice she was out of it.” When you just hear the details, you might even feel bad for Luke, thinking that Zoe threw herself at him, that they were both drunk, that Zoe’s mission in life is to seduce all sorts of boys. What really brings to the truth to light is the video – it shows that Luke knew exactly what he was doing and how much of a scumbag he really is. Nobody watching that video can think “This guy is not a scumbag,” especially when you consider that he actually had to be recording without Zoe’s consent for you to watch the footage, and that he went so far as to post the photos online. It’s truly maddening that the videos can’t be used as evidence because they were obtained without a warrant, because I’m sure it would influence the jury.

I like how the Zoe plot integrated storylines from other main characters. For example, it included Maya and Tristan working together (or at least recognizing one another’s existence). If there’s one thing that can get them to talk, I’d say this is probably it. It also shined a spotlight on Becky’s struggle. LOL, when Becky was skipping court and offered to travel through the woods with Drew, I seriously thought the show was prepping for that weird Becky/Drew romance that crossed my mind earlier this season. Becky: “I’ll go with Drew… it’s not like I’ll accidentally make out with him.” Clare: “You say that now…” Seriously, with lines like this, what else was I supposed to think!? Especially when Drew flung his arm around Becky’s shoulder and practically squashed her with his ability to absentmindedly permeate the wilderness with flintiness. But then it quickly turned from this silly situation to this really meaningful moment. I totally didn’t foresee the Drew-Adam-Becky connection making its way into this storyline, but it makes sense. Drew: “I won’t judge anyone for trying to keep their brother around.” I know Drew is trying to help, but it’s not good. He’s providing the exact motivation that Becky needs in order to lie. She wouldn’t do something immoral because of selfishness, but she would do it because of love, and Drew found a very personal way to convince Becky that lying would be an act of love. I was pretty confident that Becky would do the right thing, but now I’m not so sure, which is creating even more suspense for the next episode.

It’s also interesting how Miles’ plotline, while separate from Zoe’s, tied into the court case.  Ha! I love how things started off with Winston telling Miles, “Look, you can’t just take Maya’s side because you’re still hoping to have sexual relations with her someday.” And how, when Miles was like “I’m not… I don’t… unless she wants that too,” Maya was sitting right there and was like, “seriously?” That was awesome sauce. So apparently they’ll get together again. That’s fine. I had no idea what Winston was talking about, though, when he reminded Miles that Maya might not be too happy to find out, in court, that Miles had almost made out with Zoe while he was still dating Maya. I had to look up the episode recap of “Basket Case” to figure that out. I’m like, ohhh, you’re talking about when Zoe hit on Miles at the party and he DID NOT kiss her, but instead brought her into the pool house?

True, Miles leaned down for half a second like he was about to kiss Zoe, and maybe he would have if Winston didn’t take the picture to snap him out of it. But honestly, I don’t think he would have kissed Zoe either way. The picture was probably more of Zoe leaning in than of Miles leaning down, and it totally misrepresents what happened, like they were canoodling for a substantial amount of time and he didn’t immediately reject her or something. I hope the photo isn’t subpoenaed by the court. It would be unfair to Miles, but would also cause some serious, interesting-to-watch-unfold drama.

Well, after all that court stuff, Zig’ storyline seemed disjointed, but it wasn’t bad. What’s frustrating is that every time Maya gets interested in Miles, Zig goes right back to the gang. I was really hoping that, between reconnecting with his mom and getting into that gang recovery program, Zig would have a strong enough support based to be okay separating from Maya. I hope people don’t think this proves that Maya should have kept holding Zig’s hand. That’s unhealthy and unrealistic. It’s understandable why Zig would keep working for the gang, though. Degrassi is not rose-coloring this situation, saying that all you need is one good mentor and you’ll be gang-free and safe for life. These are some serious thugs! It really is funny to me that Vince is back, because it’s like, is this gang only made up of two people? How is there all this gang related terror, and year after year the only real thug we’re seeing is Vince? But what do I know – maybe it’s realistic for the same gang leader to be involved in all this stuff – I’m not a drug dealer. And, even though it’s funny to me, the appearance of Vince is what made me realize that Zig is in some serious trouble.

Some background on Vince: A member of Vince’s gang mugged Drew and Bianca. Bianca killed the guy in self defense, and Vince found out about it. Vince then threatened to murder Drew, and told Drew that the only way he could stay safe was if he killed someone. Drew reported it, getting Vince sent to jail and then getting a restraining order. When Vince got out of jail, he forced Bianca to sell drugs and have sex with him, saying this was how she could keep Drew safe. Drew learned some martial arts to defend himself, and when Vince showed up at the school dance with a gun, Drew beat him up and got him sent back to jail.

So yeah, Vince is the real deal: shootings, murder, rape, he’s been there and probably done all of that. This is probably the same guy who held up Zig’s mom and brother at the shop. And now Vince is either out of jail again, or has escaped. So, when Zig asked what would happen to him if he left the gang and Vince replied “I think you know what would happen,” this was a real threat. If you didn’t know about Vince, you might have interpreted this comment almost as a joke, some cliché thug statement coming from some cliché gang character. But, knowing about Vince’s past, you know it wasn’t just an empty remark. You know he’d target Maya if Zig refused to sell the drugs because 1. Tiny already threatened Zig at Maya’s house, so other members of the gang might know where she lives and 2. Vince said Maya seems like a “nice girl” – clearly he saw how important she is to Zig and is strategizing how he can use her to control him.

Wouldn’t it be crazy if Vince decided to target Drew again? Maybe he’ll tell Zig that, if he wants to keep Maya safe, not only does he have to sell the drugs, but he also has to murder Drew. It would not be beyond him! He tried to get Drew to kill someone in order to keep Bianca safe, after all, and Drew wasn’t even in the gang so he didn’t have as much of an “obligation” to cooperate. Drew WAS the one to land Vince in jail. Also, it won’t be too easy for Drew to hide from Vince, given Drew’s role in the whole televised trial that’s going on. I don’t think any of this will actually happen, since the Degrassi writer’s probably assume we’ve forgotten about Vince. And for the most part, they’ll probably right. A whole lot of people either never knew who he was or just didn’t pay that much attention to him, so he might be in there as more of a nod to hardcore fans. But then again, it would really tie this disconnected plotline into the whole court scenario, if Vince pulled something like that.

There’s a lot that needs to be resolved in the second part of this episode. I feel like it’s all going to come together next episode, though.

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