Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thunderstruck – Episode Review

Best moment: Imogen dancing to Mambo Number 5 to try to cheer up Becky. It even rivaled last week when Zoe started belting out Wicked in the middle of class and we all thought Degrassi was becoming a musical. Let’s try to keep these dancing-on-chairs moments alive in every episode. Also, I could deal with 45 minute episodes as a regular thing.

Believe, Part 2 – Episode Review

Vince didn’t hire Zig as a hit man against Drew!! Ah well, Degrassi, you missed a great chance to continue an old plot. Just like you missed the chance to have a short fling with the teenage version of Angie Jeremiah. But don’t worry, in a few years maybe you can put Mia’s little Isabella Jones on the show, or Liberty and JT’s baby, or Emma’s little brother Jack. There is a chance for you to redeem yourself, and it was still a good episode.

I’m glad Luke was convicted. But I wasn’t a massive fan of Zoe’s speech at the end. “If you don’t convict Luke Baker and Neil Martin today, you’re saying I deserved it. You’re saying other girls and boys, that they’ll deserve it too.” On the one hand, it was a powerful speech, and I was proud of Zoe for standing up for herself. Just because she wore a bikini, got drunk, hit on boys, and everything else, does not mean she gave her consent to be molested while she was unconscious, or to have the photos posted online. (Also, did I actually hear Zoe say that she messed up!? She definitely is a new person).

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Believe, Part 1 – Episode Review

This episode has really changed my opinion of Zoe. It’s sad that it took something this terrible to make her into a more relatable person. I appreciate how the show has managed to make us feel sympathy and support for her, though, without denying her faults or the complexity of the situation she’s in. So let’s review the transformation of Zoe from beeotch to bestie:

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Out of My Head - Episode Review (Tristan)

That. Was. Intense. The closing scene of “Out of My Head” was epic. If you were somehow still under the impression that Tristan was a stereotypical and flat support character, this once scene will have wiped that notion out of your head forever. Or if you thought Lyle Lettau is only capable of acting like a delicate boy, think again.

Out of My Head - Episode Review (Imogen and Frankie)

I was relieved for the Imogen and Frankie plotlines this week because I don’t know how much drama I can handle! The scene between Tristan and Maya was definitely epic, but it was also nice to have a change of pace and to enjoy some lighter plotlines.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hypnotize – Episode Review

This episode was so gross! Mostly because of the Tristan and Mr. Yates thing. The show was obviously building up to this for a  little while. I sort of had been hoping that Maya would just give Tristan some good advice, Tristan would tape record Mr. Yates saying something creepy, and Mr. Yates would be fired. But I knew it wouldn’t happen that way because Degrassi always has to have more drama. But ick.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Hero - Episode Review (Becky)

Wow. Becky’s plotline this week turned very quickly from lighthearted to serious, and without involving a 40 year old perv! Good job, Degrassi. Seriously, I am super appalled by what Becky’s mom said to her: “Sticking together means you have to stand up for Luke at his trial. The family can count on you for that, right?” This was sickening, but at the same it showed that Realm of Doom really is more than a game to Becky. It is an escape from her jacked up family life. So I appreciated the writer’s ability to show how Becky’s use of the internet ties into these really heavy issues, without repeating a storyline that’s already been done in Mother and Child reunion (which, in my opinion, would have begun to perpetuated a stereotype that ALL guys who use the internet are actually, in the words of Imogen, basement trolls).

My Hero – Episode Review (Zig and Drew)

I just got back from a road-trip all over the US (from Mt. Rushmore to Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon), and it was awesome, but as I was being all campy, I was also wondering what I missed on Degrassi lol. So I watched “My Hero” almost as soon as I got home/back online, and was not disappointed. 

First of all (I’m doing this in order of least to most exciting this time), Zig’s plotline wasn’t all about watching paint dry, or watching someone watch paint dry, or chopping onions, or watching someone chop onions. W00t w00t! It was a significant improvement over last week. I mean, at least he actually had some gang drama and family drama. I would still care a lot more about it, though, if up until this point Zig hadn’t been characterized primarily as Maya’s sidekick and second-rate love interest. I mean, we only just now heard why Zig was kicked out of his home *we never even got to see how it unfolded* and now all of a sudden I am supposed to be deeply invested in Zig reconnecting with his mom? Meh. I felt like the “I’m a bad boy, I was kicked out” thing was mostly an excuse for Zig to go live with Maya and create conflict between her and Miles. I always wanted it to be developed more and wanted to learn more about it, but I feel like this was just done haphazardly.