Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How Bizarre – Episode Review

Everyone has been saying the title of this episode is fitting, and it’s so true. It WAS bizarre. I also thought it was really funny. Drew had some truly priceless expressions/quotes and Becky and Imogen had their moments too.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Enjoy the Silence – Episode Review

My favorite part of this episode was Clare, the mad scientist. And I mean MAD scientist! I was really surprised at how angry she was. True, Drew hooked up with her and then refused to date her, but it was pretty understandable given the circumstances. I kept thinking, was there something I missed? Did Drew like, call Clare a skanky b—when he broke things off with her? So I re-watched Sparks Will Fly Part 2. Let’s review what actually happened:

1. Clare had sex with Drew and then had an emotional breakup with Eli right in front of Drew’s eyes, when all along she had been misleading Drew into thinking things with Eli were completely over and resolved. 2. Clare tried running immediately back to Drew like none of this had happened, and he told her, “Look me in the eye and tell me some part of you doesn’t still love him.” Clare couldn’t do it and instead said “It’s complicated.” 3. Drew made it clear that he couldn’t get together with Clare right at that moment because he didn’t want to be her rebound. He then walked off into the sunset.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

You Are Not Alone – Episode Review, Part 2

So before the hiatus, I wrote an episode review in 3 parts, which each part dedicated to a different character’s plotline. This week, part 2 of my review is all about Canadian cuisine. I don’t plan on writing Degrassi food reviews as a regular thing, but I was really captivated by this quote from Maya (as seen in the photo above): “Do you want pizza roles, poutine, chocolate pudding, an apple, are you in a gang?”

You Are Note Alone – Episode Review, Part 1

DEGRASSI IS BACK!!  I can’t believe I didn’t realize this was out immediately – I’ve been waiting for so long!

I like how Tiny finally got a name. Maybe he had a name before, but if so it wasn’t mentioned much. Now all the sudden he’s worthy of having his name repeated multiple times in one episode, which tells me he might become a larger character. Speaking of Tiny though, it’s really funny that Degrassi now has an entire wing of the school reserved for rebels, in which “unique outcasts” are banished to a life of rubber rooms, trashed hallways, and graffiti-covered lockers. I think Jay, Ellie, and Johnny would have gone here. Do they even go to regular classes, or are they stuck in this rubber room all day? It seems like Maya will be in there until she graduates, and like Tiny and Grace and have been in there since birth. I’m a little suspicious that it’s actually a life-sentence situation.

Also, speaking of the rubbers: Why is Maya allowed to wear that crop top to school? Are you surprised Zig had weed? Do you think it was ok for Maya to flush it? Personally, I’m not surprised, and I do think it was okay. Admittedly, it would have been better if Maya gave Zig a choice to flush the weed himself or get out of her parent’s house. He might have just chosen to live elsewhere. Maya really should let Zig make his own decisions rather than babying and manipulating him into being someone he’s not. It’s never a good idea to be in a relationship that’s dependent upon the guy changing a great deal just so that the relationship cans stay afloat. At the same time, it’s completely insensitive for Zig to bring drug’s into Maya’s house, and understandable that she would want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. More importantly, it’s cute how much Maya cares about Zig. I actually think she loves him and is trying to protect him, and in a way, it might be effective, in the short term anyway. That kiss did seem to keep him away from whatever “collection” he has to attend to. This relationship only spells trouble down the road, though.