Thursday, March 20, 2014

What It's Like - Episode Review

Between Connor getting contacts, Maya inviting Zig to stay over her house, and Becky getting jealous of Imogen’s new gal pal, I thought this episode was pretty lighthearted.

Connor is awesome. He was probably right to not worry about fitting in, but he still apologized and was just an awesome boyfriend. I hope he and Jenna win the King and Queen. I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Who else is even running? Maybe out of nowhere Clare and Drew will get together and win!

I guess you could argue that the plot about Maya and Zig was about homelessness, but really it wasn’t. It was about giving Maya a reason to invite Zig to stay at her house, so we can see relationship drama ensue. The question is, how much are you hoping this will screw with Maya and Miles? Do you want Maya to be loyal to Miles? If that ends up being the case, maybe Miles will just overreact based upon ill-founded suspicions, ask for forgiveness, and move on. Or Maya will hide the fact that Zig is staying with her, and then start feeling really guilty and apologize, or something along those lines. It could still make for some good TV viewing, and would keep Mattlingsworth fans happy.

Or do you want Maya to actually kiss/flirt with/ develop feelings for/potentially date Zig? And for her and Miles to break up? Or at least take a break? I’m actually hoping this will be the case. Bring on the drama! I like Miles as a person but Zig is also someone I’d like to see more of. It seems like he can be developed into a deeper character if given more of a spotlight. Why was he kicked out of home? What’s the deal with him becoming a bad boy? Does he feel bad about the mysterious death/disappearance of his friend Tori? And what happened to that chubby friend of his? The questions go on and on! Anyway, no matter what happens, Miles is about to get really mad. And I’m excited to see it unfold.

As for the thing with Becky, Imogen, and That-New-Girl-What’s-Her-Name… I can’t stop thinking about it. It was weird. Do you think Becky likes Imogen, or is just jealous of her as a friend? I feel like, Becky going for Imogen romantically is a step ahead of itself. Last we heard Becky was into boys, and the way she justified liking Adam (to her family AS WELL AS herself) was that he was actually a guy. I never heard Becky say anything like “people are people and I like them no matter what their gender.” Now, maybe she’s changed to adopt this attitude, but if so we missed it. I feel like this type of inconsistency/gap in the plot is sometimes a problem.

Like, the main reason Sav and Anya broke up is because his parents didn’t approve of an American girl. But somehow I don’t think this “he’s too American” thing will come up when Alli finally starts dating Dallas. Or when Alli considers dating Dallas, or he tries to woo her some more, or whatever you want to predict. Culture clash isn’t going to be an issue. So maybe Sav did all the dirty work and Alli’s parents finally came around, but if so we didn’t see it! This same kind of inconsistency is what’s happening now. Becky used to identify herself strongly based upon her traditional religious views and was very concerned with her family’s perception of her actions, but now those seem to be non-issues.

Also, I think Becky and Jenna should be friends again. I understand that Becky is friends with Imogen because they bonded over Adam and have some other interests in common like DTV, but Becky is acting like she has no other potential friends. Why is she being so clingy when she actually has a lot in common with other people around the school? Maybe she just wants to know that Imogen thinks she’s cool. That-New-Girl-What’s-Her-Name is making Becky feel really lame. In that sense, I guess I can sort of understand Becky’s reaction.

Overall, I enjoyed the sort of non-heavy feel of the episode. Sometimes I just like to see the characters being teenagers. By the way, on that note, I heard people saying that Alli’s storyline last week was trivial in comparison to the rest of the plot. Zoe’s plot got a lot more of a reaction from me, but I actually think Alli’s plot dealt with a topic that was just as serious. You’re comparing sexual assault to a physically abusive marriage. Those are both heavy issues.

Well, will Clare and Drew randomly win the crown? Will Mattlingsworth fall on it’s face? Will I come to learn the real name of the new girl? Next week…

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